Adam J. Chamberlain

Discussion in 'Retired Characters' started by Doc Genz, Apr 25, 2011.

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  1. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    Name: Adam J. Chamberlain

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Race: Goron

    Place of Origin: Darunia

    PWC: 2/1/5

    Stone Skin
    Goron Roll
    Bomb Bag

    Height: 6'4"

    Weight: 245 lbs.

    Instrument: Vuvuzela

    Equipment: Not one for armor, like many a Goron, Adam wears a loin cloth. His loin cloth is held up by a thick leather belt. The belt holds a bag for possessions and his Bomb Bag.

    Appearance: Tall as many Goron, yet thin for his species, Adam is a sight to behold. His complexion is extremely dark, for comparison see Gor Liggs. There are lighter areas on his skin, going up his chest and around his neck in an angular pattern. The area is outlined thinly with red and resembles a jersey from a distance, it stops above his belt, but continues once more around his thighs. His loin cloth is the ordinary shape the Goron tend to wear. The cloth itself is tinged a yellow-tan to nearly match the light areas of his skin, though it's easy to see the contrast between the two. This gives the subtle illusion that he is also wearing shorts. From a great distance it is very difficult to tell how extremely naked he really is.

    Adam's lower lip is much thicker than his upper, forming a crescent shape. Even with his mouth shut he appears to have the aural resemblance of a smile or grin with him at all times. Starting at the top of his forehead, and weaving around to his neck are stony fragments like hair. Near the front and on the sides the stone is rather wavy, while toward the back the chunks are long and straight. All of the stone is dark grey like dusty charcoal, while much lighter in the center where he would normally roll on. These stone chunks continue on the back as with most Goron, his are mostly flatter aside from ten angular spikes going down in rows of five on each side effectively forming a zig-zagging pattern. In between the spikes, at the center is a bright dusty trail on the stone where he rolls, much smoother than the rest of his back.

    Adam's feet are much darker than the rest of his skin, more akin to the tone of his hair-stone. His bare belly is similar to most Goron, but lacks any intricate patterns on the skin. Due to his thinness his ribs are visible just above his belly. There are additional light patches forming rings around his wrists. From his Bomb Bag, come many of the ordinary explosives found in Hyrule. Each one has the blue covering peeled off, revealing a brown surface with many black wood-grain lines running around it.

    Residence: Adam's original residence was with his adoptive parents in a small one-story home on the edge of Darunia, adjacent to many other homes and next to a busy street. The home has square angles with a flat roof, and painted a dull beige. There isn't much to note about the home, other than being old and worn. The paint of the walls is severely chipping, dark water stains dot the ceiling from rain. Many of the family's possessions are strewn about in no particular pattern. From day-to-day the objects may be in completely different spots. Several pots and pans may be seen stacked around the stove, others near the water pool for washing. The house has a couple translucent windows in the front, covered with wax paper instead of glass, which is expensive for this area of town. Outside children of many races and ethnicities play in the street, in the daytime they are very noisy. Children from richerâ„¢ families are rarely ever seen.

    Pet: Noko, the Pet Rock
    Noko is very shy and often hides somewhere in Adam's belt bag unless he takes her out. Her overall coloring is a sort of bluish-gray. She has two eyes that resemble the Shiekah Eye, one with a tear coming out.

    Backstory: Early is his life, he was adopted by two caring Hylians; Dom and Rosemary Chamberlain. By them he was named Adam Jeffrey Chamberlain. A small meal or two a day was all his family could afford for him. While his Goron body craved rocks, staying with his hylian parents restricted how many he could get a hold of. Adam grew up much thinner than other Gorons, many of which even had the means to get fed properly due to living as thieves.

    Adam's daily life as a child consisted of ways to fight boredom and ignore hunger. Often he would immerse himself in ball games with other children. Though a child, as he became older he was sent by his half-reluctant parents to work so he could manage the few extra rupees they needed. Forbidden from thievery, he became a simple news boy. At the end of the day, he had to return home with the few rupees he earn as safely as possible. He could achieve this by stuffing them in a pouch and rolling home.

    The boy got his fill of sports by practicing every day. He was somewhat of a local legend, as he for one was able to focus on his practice and accentuate his skills. As the weeks went by he also became a new target for thieves. They had special, yet simple plans for every target in the area. Being a Goron, the thief ring had to think up something a little more clever to manage to take his pay. At the end of every work day, Adam now needed to watch for frequent attacks. His method of earning for his family was now in jeopardy. He needed more protection than just the skin on his back.

    With his allowance from several years saved, he went to the center of town. There he found the bomb shop, heavily guarded and armored from the inside-out. He showed his money to the large man at the door and was allowed inside. It was there that he packed a fearsome ordinance. From that day on thieves stayed clear of him, the Ballin' Bomber feared across town for reducing vultures to piles of singed giblets.

    His day job was no longer profitable enough for his family however, especially with his own needy mouth to feed. At seventeen years of age he bid his loving parents farewell, he was now a freelance agent looking for a new way to earn his place in life. Known widely as a threatening fighter, he assumed a job couldn't be too hard to get. If the worst came upon him he could always steal back from thieves. With a new confidence and sense of adventure he headed out.

    As a news boy, he knew much about what went on beyond the mountain. Perhaps now he could also find his place in the war with Ganon? He doubted to himself that he could make much of a difference. He decided he'd worry about crossing that bridge when he got to it.
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    I assume 80 rupees has been spent on the Bomb Bag, and the remaining 20 has been kept? This all checks out, and as usual Genzo, bits and pieces of your character are silly. Accepted.
  3. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    As per the request of Doc Genz, Adam J. Chamberlain has been retired.
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