It finally happened

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WillowtheWhisp, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    After like four months, I finally got around to finishing the third custom site-dungeon. Here it is:

    As a side note, no one has really said anything about the custom dungeons. If you're feeling up to it, I'd really appreciate some feedback, or really anything, so feel free to post that here, if you have anything.
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  2. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

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    this dick

  3. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    One Feedback I'd have is not limiting the Custom Dungeons "becoming Canon" function to a specific time, as evident by Skyreach and Lavaclaw not being completed yet (though close, I swear me and Eev got Skyreach in the bag).

    But yah, overall, super neat and great to have. Having custom treasure rewards sure sweetens the deal for doing Custom Dungeons as well. Maybe would of been good to let one dungeon become Site Canon before opening the next one though, but I guess it doesn't hurt.

    What happen to emailing me when you started this though, huh? HUH? CURSE YOU WILL!

    But yah, these are fun, glad they are a thing.
  4. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    Hey, I asked you to do Skyreach with me when Will first posted it CJ and you flaked out on me!

    Overall though, yeah. I still think Lavaclaw has the problem of "generic zelda dungeon" flavor, but overall I like the other two. They're interesting and different, with really cool mechanics/bosses, especially in Darksea Depths. Though you already know all of this because I told you it before you detailed them!
  5. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    Love these Willow, and I can't wait to fight Nihil. The custom enemy is the perfect touch. What can I say about this series of dungeons? I still think having an interactive way of experiencing the plot is the best way to take it in. CJ has a good point, people will be trying hard to make their threads as quality as possible to qualify for canon. So the time limit is a bit counter-intuitive here. Maybe after a certain amount of time of the same dungeon being completed, the ones that are actually finished or close to finished can be nominated? That's all I got.
  6. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Yeah, I've definitely considered removing the time limit, just because things tend to move slow, especially if there is a concentration on quality. I'll likely leave them in for these, but for subsequent ones, I'll probably do something different. Though, there's a reason why I did put a time limit; it's because I want people to actually finish the dungeon. That said, if threads die out, and no dungeons are finished for a significant amount of time, there are some pretty real consequences, plot wise. In fact, exceeding the time limit may even impact the plot, though less so.

    And thanks for the feedback, guys.

    And I agree Evapls, that Lavaclaw is probably the weakest of the three. I won't be releasing another dungeon for a bit, because I'd like to see how these turn out, so I know what I can improve on after the fact.

    As for why I released more dungeons before any were actually finished, I had actually initially intended on releasing these three at the same time. Chronologically, they were supposed to be occurring relatively close to each other, one after the other in the order they were released. Also, I wanted to provide a good variety of dungeon type, and general area (northern & southern Hyrule, and somewhere on the Eastern Sea)
  7. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    Willow, as a question: I know it'd never qualify for canon and I don't mind that, but would it technically still be possible to start a Skyreach thread at this point in time? Now that I'm doing the other two I kind of want to do the last one too. Surely ONE of them will at least be of acceptable quality...
  8. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Yup, you totally can BP. And never say never; if you're the first one to finish it, at this point, it will most likely become canon. As long as nothing obnoxious happens, which is unlikely. Anyways, the custom dungeons won't actually become classic dungeons (and therefore become inaccessible from the "real" RP) until someone has completed them first.