Not sure where to begin?

Discussion in 'Role Play Rules and Questions' started by Blonde Panther, Jun 19, 2013.

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  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Ylisse Quickstart Guide

    New to text-based roleplaying or to the Ylisse board in particular, and unsure what to do and how to get started? Then you have come to the right place. In this thread, I will try to help you get started as quickly and simply as is possible.

    Step 1. Get informed.
    Most importantly, you will want to familiarize yourself with our rules and guidelines.

    Have you played Fire Emblem: Awakening? Then all you need to know is that we follow the setting and backstory almost to the letter. You will still need to read up on the plot, however, as we deviate quite a bit from it.

    Not played Awakening? In that case, before you can do anything else, we will need you to read about the world in which we roleplay here. For character history and if you want to be involved in Ylisse's overarching plot, please read up on current events here.

    Step 2. Make a character.
    You cannot RP in Ylisse without a character that has been approved for use in RPs by one of our moderators. Characters are submitted in the Profiles forum, following the Profile Template.

    Characters in Fire Emblem, and therefore in Ylisse, are divided into classes, and are subject to a levelling system- Your so-called first tier class can level up to level 20, and so can a second tier class. Your class decides what weapon type your character can use.

    Once your profile is submitted, it will not immediately be visible. It will be placed into a queue where the mods will have to look over it and approve it before it shows up. Basically, if you can see your character in the profiles forum, you are good to go!

    Step 3. Start RPing!
    Once your character has been accepted, you can get started! For a detailed explanation of how roleplaying goes in Ylisse, look here, but the most important is this.

    In the Discussion Forum, you can either start recruiting people to join you in your own RPs, or leave the thread-running to others and join another thread. All roleplays are held in the Roleplaying Threads forum.

    Once a thread is finished, it is submitted for grading and read by a moderator. That moderator will then assign additional levels and weapon levels to your character based on your performance.

    We want you to update your profile sheet with the gained levels, but there is no need to make a new post in it. Your profile is not Twitter- we don't need to be notified if anything changes. Just keep it up to date.

    From there on out, rinse and repeat!

    Having any trouble?
    If you have read all of the threads linked in here and you are still confused as to how things work in Ylisse or if you get stuck anywhere, do not hesitate to ask. The Role Play Rules and Questions forum is there so you can ask any questions you have, and where experienced members will help you on your merry way. For matters that are more urgent or you just know will require the attention of a moderator, do not hesitate to contact us!

    Never hesitate to shoot a PM towards Blonde Panther, Darth Slaverus, or Squishy- the only stupid question is the question that is never asked.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
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