Frozen Poultry on Aisle 2 [Finished]

Discussion in 'Quest Bureau' started by Nameless, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. Nameless

    Nameless Member vet

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Frozen Poultry on Aisle 2
    Dungeon: Bottom of the Well

    Description: A mysterious giant store in the middle of nowhere is having a massive sale! There also happens to be just one thing both Ruairi and Eve share: their love for great deals on blush. Can they beat the undulating masses of rabid customers and out-Karen the corpos who are looking unnaturally undead?!

    Players and Rewards:
    Doc Genzo played Eve: 40 quest reward + 10 character reward
    And they wanted to use 30 rupees to buy level 1 Profession (of their choice?!)

    Nameless played Ruairi: 40 quest reward + 10 character reward + 30 from level 6 Profession
    He'll use 50 roops plus 50 from his stash to buy his first Major Treasure, Huge Potential, because his inner Karen was awakened. And take the 30 roops from the profession yes.